
The atmospheric nave of the church and the adjacent monastery spaces are equipped with all of the advantages of state of the art house and event technics.

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The early Gothic and frescoed Minorite Church in Krems-Stein has made a name for itself as a unique event venue, both in Austria and abroad. At times when there are no festivals the Klangraum Krems offers a marvellous setting for lectures, symposia, weddings, receptions, company events/presentations, and much more. You can also have your event certified as a Green Event.

The atmospheric nave of the church and the adjacent monastery spaces are equipped with all of the advantages of state of the art house and event technics. The cloister, the arcade court, and the monastery garden surrounding the premises can also be used.

We are happy to answer any questions you might have:
Jochen Gruber
Tel: +43 664 60499 302 


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